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Slice of Life Challenge Day 11:

My best friend. My best friend is most likely going to be Juliette. I mean, I’ve known her ever since first grade, and lucky enough, we are basically neighbors! We did a lot of things with each other. We sit next to each other, and we survived elementary school together, and now we are surviving through middle school together! We actually became best friends on the very first day of first grade. My mom used to come to lunch with me and she took pictures! She recently showed me them, and I took a picture on my phone so I could show Juliette. When I showed her, both of our reactions were all like, “AWWWW! We were so small!” or “I can’t believe we’ve known each other for so long!” Anyway, either way, I’m glad I found her and chose her to be my bestie, but I hope over the years she doesn’t break away from me, but I doubt that because I mean, we’ve been together for almost 7 years! I’m glad to have her.

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Slice of Life Challenge Day 10:

If I had a YouTube channel, I would make it a hairstyling/baking channel. I would post videos about me doing my hair and other people’s hair, and I would also post videos of me baking cakes, cupcakes, cookies, ice cream, brownies, muffins, and a bunch others! I was actually inspired by baking and hair tutorials by these two YouTubers:



Hair tutorials:


Watch both of them!
Did you like them! I actually did the cake, and the hairstyle on my sister! I love how my sister taught me how to use the oven.


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Slice of Life Challenge Day 9:

As a lot of people may know, I have this “famous nickname” which is Regie, when my real name is Regina. It all started in Science class when this person (not saying names), started teasing me about wearing blue. Then he or she was all like, “Omg! I’m wearing blue too! We should totally be besties.” Then, the next B-day, he or she told me, “Hey, since we’re besties now, can I call you Regie?” I said no, but he or she already started calling me that. At first, I didn’t really like it because last year, my nickname was, “Oregana”, as in, Oregano, but well, put in Regina and what do you get? Anyway, he or she started telling everyone that, and I, for some reason, started responding to Regie, and I just go used to it. I still respond to Regina though. If you have a “famous nickname that everyone in the school knows about, tell me in the comments!


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Slice of Life Challenge Day 8:

I always wonder, why do people say, “like” in like, most of their sentences?! See, even I just said it. What kind of affect do they have on sentences though? A lot of times, people on tv shows or movies, the sassy character literally says it after every word. For example, “I like, got like, a 94 on like, the like, test that we took like, yesterday, and like, people are like, complaining like, about how they like, got a higher like, score than like, me.” SEE WHAT I MEAN. I tried to count everyone saying like, but it became too hard to keep track because literally, everyone says it at least 5-7 times per story. Like, say you had a super interesting story to tell your friends. It’s probably about 5 sentences. You would say it at least 5-8 times.


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Slice of Life Challenge Day 7:

I remember my first time playing volleyball. My mom, my dad, and my sister actually introduced me to volleyball in the fourth grade. I remember I kept thinking that volleyball was sooooo boring, but then when they actually signed me up for a summer camp in NVVA (Northern Virginia Volleyball Association) the summer before fifth grade, I learned that volleyball is actually a pretty fun sport! Then in fall, 2015 (beginning of fifth grade), my dad enrolled me in an LYV (Loudoun Youth Volleyball, which is a youth program in NVVA) team, and I had so much fun! Being on an actual team, is pretty cool. I still play volleyball, and now that I’m older, I can play in cooler, greater programs!


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Slice of Life Challenge Day 6:

One time, me and my friend Ria were walking to class together. We passed a teacher that we knew,  so I said, “Good morning.” and he replied back saying, “Good morning sir.” WE WERE LAUGHING SO HARD! Then I think he heard us because he said back, “I was talking to the guy behind you, I’m sorry.” Then I replied back, “It’s okay.” Then we kept laughing the whole way to class together, but we calmed down.


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Slice of Life Challenge Day 5:

Last week, I made sugar cookies and used frosting to make them look like pizzas. The funny/not so funny thing is, that when I was going to show my parents, THREE FELL OFF THE PLATE. I made 8 pizza cookies, and the rest I left with no frosting because my parents don’t like theirs with frosting because they said that it’s too sweet. At least I took a picture before it fell.


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Slice of Life Challenge Day 4:

Last week, I saw that there was only one popsicle left in our freezer. That’s the back story. The next day, my sister and I were fighting to get the last popsicle, and when we opened the freezer, IT WASN’T THERE. It’s hilarious looking back on how we were freaking out about a popsicle. Then we found out who ate it… my dad.


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Slice of Life Challenge Day 3:

When me and my friend went biking together, we went to the creek that’s in our neighborhood. We went there, and she said that we could skip stones only if you can. She doesn’t know how, but I know how, but the only thing is, that I’ve never tried. All I know, is that you need a really flat rock, and it’s all in the flick of the wrist. I tried, and I accidently hit a tadpole. So I tried again and again for so many times, but it never worked. I’m fine with it though. I added “skip stones” onto my bucket list that I created, but nothing ever checked off yet…


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Slice of Life Challenge Day 2:

Sometime in January, we got our first tiny snowfall. It was like maybe, 1 ½ inches of snow. The last time it snowed, we got a 2 hour delay, and it didn’t really snow so much. I was so excited and my day was about to get even better when Loudoun County Public Schools called. We were at least expecting a delay, we didn’t answer because we listen to the voicemail, so when the call ended, it went to a silence, then a beep… CALL ENDED. No voicemail, which means NO delay! There was still snow left over in the morning!